I would like to report that this has been my best year ever when it comes to succeeding with my resolutions. Now before you think I am obnoxiously boasting and stop reading, I will tell you this….I didn’t really make any new years resolutions this year. At this point in my life, I have come to accept that God’s ways are not my ways. I have also come to accept that His ways are much higher than my ways. Furthermore, I truly believe that He is able to do much more than we could ever ask or hope for. He has consistently exceeded my expectations. So knowing this, I could sit and make a pretty little list of what I would like to accomplish (and believe me I do love goal setting and believe in its importance), but how much greater is it just to commit to spending more time in God’s presence this January, as we enter this new year; to press in and seek his guidance on how he would like to direct our paths, fill our schedules and organize our days. I simply felt God saying that he would like more time with me, how great is it that the Creator or the universe would like time with me? I decided not to watch any television for the month of January; now we are just over half way through the month and I cannot believe what God has done in my life. In my profession I think it is far too easy to place our hope in the next supplement, the next best exercise routine or the best new eating plan. Instead I think we have to keep our hope deeply rooted in Christ alone. Yes there is value to bettering ourselves and caring for our bodies, but God acts as the Great Physician and true healing comes from Him. As he works out His truth in our hearts, everything else falls into place.
Those New Years Resolutions…How Are They Going?
Jan 22, 2018 | counselling, Emotions, Healing, Naturopathic Care, Ottawa Naturopathic Doctor