Naturopathic Approach to Treating Insomnia

Naturopathic Approach to Treating Insomnia

Those who have never experienced insomnia, difficulty getting to sleep or staying asleep, often take it for granted, but getting a good night’s sleep is extremely important in achieving overall health. Although it may seem like our body is just resting, the body is...
The Relationship between Stress and Weight Gain

The Relationship between Stress and Weight Gain

As a culture, we most often think that “being stressed” is only related to our emotions, yet few of us understand the dramatic effect it has on us physically.  Our adrenal glands govern our stress response, by secreting hormones relative to our stress levels. When the...
Boost your Immune System this Fall!

Boost your Immune System this Fall!

With the kids back in school and the calendar filling up with Christmas parties and events, now is the time to be proactive in avoiding winter colds and flus. No one likes chasing their toddlers around with a kleenex, waking up throughout the night to check on...
Juicer Pulp: Waste Not, Want Not

Juicer Pulp: Waste Not, Want Not

Maybe it is the Dutch in me, but I hate to waste anything! I hate to waste time, talent, energy and especially food. The pulp left over after making juice is packed with nutrients and full of fiber. Fiber helps stabilize blood sugar, it helps you stay feeling full for...